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Feb 2024 - Network Meeting Resources

Updated: May 16

We had a great group of Own My Life facilitators join our February Network meeting from across England, Ireland & Scotland. It was lovely to connect & share our experiences of delivering or starting out on OML. We also squeezed in some useful tips to help with emotional regulation during the course. For those that missed it, THIS sheet has the details of what we covered. We hope you'll find it useful. Faciltators can book into our next Network Meeting on 26th June via the e-Hub HERE.


Other resources we discussed:


  • If you’re getting to know your group better, a website that generates  random icebreaker questions as needed was shared by one of the group-can be used in the beginning or throw them in as & when & switch things up!



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The Own My Life Course

Helping women regain ownership of their lives.


Phone: 07818 328391

Address: The Women's Liberation Collective, The Co-op Centre, Sunderland, SR2 8AH

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