We can accomodate up to 10 participants from one organisation on any of our 5-day training dates. We also have options to split group bookings over more than one training event, which means you won't have too many staff away on training at the same time. If you would like more than 10 staff trained, we can split them across a number of training events.
Group Booking Process
1. Complete the Group Booking form.
2. Once your form has been processed, we will allocate a number of spaces per training event to your staff.
3. We will create a set of unique codes for your organisation which your staff can use when they register online for one of our training events.
4. We will send you an invoice for all the training spaces you have requested. Normally invoices are due to be paid two weeks before training commences.
Please call us on 07818 328391 or email info@ownmylifecourse.org if you need further help.
For small
we may
be able to offer group discounts