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Muslim Mother and Son



The Own My Life course is strongly values driven and these values are key to the course's success.

Women and girls are the 
experts in their own experiences

Women and girls are the experts on their own experiences

They need our support in moving forward (much like a pregnant woman needs a midwife to help her through labour), but women and girls are the experts on their experiences, what they need and how we can best support them.



Often women with abusive partners are pathologised which involves treating them as if they are “psychologically abnormal”.  However, women’s reactions and management of their lives with an abuser are usually totally normal.  The issue is the abuser, not the woman or girl. 

Trauma literacy and psychoeducation

Trauma Literacy and Psychoeducation

Building women’s and girls' literacy about trauma will enable them to more quickly regain ownership of their lives and make sense of the ways they have responded to an abuser and the wider pressures and challenges within their life.

Information ownership

Information ownership

The information within the group will be owned by the group.

Right use of power

Right use of power

The facilitator and the organisation using Own My Life holds significant power and this must be acknowledged and managed appropriately.

Collaborative not competitive

Collaborative not competitive

Own My Life recognises that patriarchy seeks to divide women and girls to conquer them, this is evident in women’s magazines, TV programmes, the beauty industry and across society.  We seek to foster collaborative spaces which build sisterhood and resist competitive attitudes.

Liberation and equality

Liberation and equality

 The current state is one in which women are oppressed by men and misogyny; black people are oppressed by white people and white supremacy; lesbian and gay people are oppressed by heterosexual ideals; transgender people are oppressed by transphobia; and disabled people are oppressed by a society designed by and for able-bodied people.  Own My Life works to ensure all participants experience equality of opportunity but seeks to move beyond equality to full liberation.

Honouring resistance

Honouring resistance

Women and girls always resist abusers and this resistance should be honoured. Sadly, when women share how they have resisted abuse, they can be met with scorn and blame. Own My Life seeks to honour women's resistance.

Addressing the professional/
personal dichotomy

Addressing the professional/personal dichotomy

Women’s services have developed a tendency to treat professional knowledge and expertise as of greater value, however appropriate and ethical use of our personal narratives as professionals can be helpful and useful to women and girls.

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